FOOD TO EXPLORE ✈ City number 143 Sofia - Bulgaria

FOOD TO EXPLORE ✈ In this section I will discuss about food purely as enjoyment from an hedonistic point of view. With specific dishes for each country/city visited personally. T his page will be updated regularly so stay tuned :) And for more content follow me on instagram as well by clicking on this link if you want: Safkit More details and list of all the cities here: Travelling Dietitian✈ ☆ Overall Vote: 7.5/10 ★ Location: Happy Bar & Grill ulitsa „Georgi S. Rakovski“ 145А, 1000 Sofia Center, Sofia, Bulgaria ☆ Food: 7/10 ★ Obviously there are many more places in the city with more traditional dishes but the impression from the menu which gives a lot of choices it's one of the reason to visit this place, overall the quality is good especially for the meat and potatoes based dishes as you can see in the pictures. Not to mention a huge variety with ...