Nutrition and Myocarditis


This is scritcly a Dietetic point of view on how to improve or even better prevent symptoms related to myocarditis in the short and long term

This means that anything related to medication has to be discussed with your Doctor obviously 

We are going to discuss food to prefer and avoid on a daily basis to have good impact and improvement on your symptoms or to avoid any symptoms to occur if possible 

Causes of Myocardtis:

The inflammation of the muscular layer of the heart (myocardium)

Can be caused by:

- Viruses (including covid 19 and Herpes )

- Bacteria 

- Fungi and Parasites 

- Autoimmune diseases 

 Often the cause cannot be found which makes thing more complicated but the treament including the nutritional side can follow a similar path to recover from this, alongside the correct medication prescribed 

Why this is caused and symptoms:

The first 3 points in the above list are all going to trigger your immune system and the inflammation caused is your body trying to fight back as a result

Sone of the symptons are: 

- Discomfort and achy feeling in the chest

- Fatigue or feeling more tired than usual

- Shortness of breathe 

- Lightheadness 

- Other symptoms related to the infection ( Body aches, joint pain, fever) 

Small changes to keep for the long term :

Prevention is always the best cure, just by making sure to introduce some of these ingredients during the week could be beneficial in the long term 

- Eating an anti-inflammatory diet, food to prefer:

  • Leafy greens
  • Broccoli or Cauliflower
  • Tomatoes and carrots 
  • Squash
  • Berries 
  • Mushroom
  • Flax and Chia seeds
  • Edamame 
  • Cold water fish like: Sardines, Salmon, Tuna and also shrimps 
  • Walnuts and almonds 
  • Cauliflower rice 

- Reduce the salt intake, especially in readymade products or takeaways 

Food to reduce or avoid if you are already experiencing any symptom:

- Processed meat (like bacon and sausages)

- Packaged snacks (like crisps)

- Energy drinks (becuase of the high caffeine and sugar intake)

- Coconut oil (more saturated fat than Butter or Lard)

Here some more links to give you more info and ideas on things discussed above:

salt alternatives

cauliflower rice

Flax, pumpkin and chia seeds


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