Carbs alternatives: Sweet potato and Yam, differences and nutritional value per 100gr

The name says "sweet" but this doesn't mean that is high in sugar. Here is a comparison with the regular Potatoes SWEET POTATOES (100 gr baked with skin) - 90 kcal - Carbs 20 gr - Fibers 3.3 gr - Fat 0.2 gr - Protein 2 gr Contain high amount of Vitamin A but also Vitamin B1, B2, B3. B5. B6, C And minerals like Iron, Manganese, Magnesium, Potassium, Copper and Phosphorus YAMS (100 gr boiled or baked) - 115 kcal - Carbs 27 gr - Fibers 3.9 gr - Fat 0.1 gr - Protein 1.5 gr Same kind of vitamins and minerals like in the sweet potatoes but the amount is defintely lower excepts Potassium and manganese Now let's compare these two with the common Potatoes per 100 gr boiled with skin - 90 kcal - Carbs 20.1 gr - Sugar 0.9 gr - Fibers 1.8 gr - Fat 0.1 gr - Protein 1.9 gr The amount of calories seem the same but they are completely different: The amount of sugars in po...