Snack alternatives to have more choices in your diet

It's always a good idea to make sure to try new things possibly every week to never get bored of the diet plan you are currently trying to maintain, sometimes varieties is the key for a long term success.

So here some good alternatives to choose from:

 Not very famous in the UK but commonly used in Italy,

is actually really easy to find in any the ham section
To make it simple is like ham but made with beef.

This alternative is recommended because:

  • Is very low in fat.
  • No carbs at all.
  • A very good source of protein and iron which can help you to make you feel fuller for longer

Plus is quick to eat and doesn't require any sort of cooking or preparation

For one serving around 30 gr:

0 gr of Carbs

only 1 gr of Fat

9gr of Protein 

Less than 70 calories

(which come all from protein and none from carbs)

This product can be used plain as a snack or even in your sandwich to make that a quick lunch alternative with some salad or veggies and spreadable cheese like Philadelphia.

Extra recommendations: 

Could be high in sodium so be aware in case of High Blood pressure

Red meat should be consumed not more than twice a week but that means you can still have this to get more variety in your diet and have more choices.

Another quick and easy snack alternative could be crab sticks

Per 100 gr of products:

  • 95 calories, usually less than 20 calories per stick so a serving of 4 or 5  sticks is under 100 calories 

  • Less than 1 gr of fat, depending on the brand but usually is always zero point something which is a very low amount 

  • 15 gr of Carbs, but less than half of this quantity is actually sugars so is relatively low in carbs too

Things to consider:

Could be high in Sodium so not recommended if you are trying to cut down on your salt intake.
Again depends on the brand, so that's why is always important to check the label, to compare and choose the lowest in salt content 

Important note: 

This is just an alternative to use once in a while to have more varieties, certainly is not a nutritious food, so not to be used everyday

What Is Imitation Crab and Should You Eat It?

What is and why Edamame ?

  •  Is a soybean which means is suitable in vegan diet

  • Naturally Gluten Free and Cholesterol free 

  • Excellent source of protein Iron and Calcium considering is not an animal product 


They are usually sold in their pods that are not meant to be eaten 

The beans can be boiled, steamed or microwaved before eating them, so they could a very quick and easy snack alternatives

Nutritional info for half cup (80gr):

  • Calories: 90 

  • Protein: 9 gr

  • Carbs: 8 gr which more than half are Fibres (4gr) 

  • Fat: 4 gr 


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