Food high in VITAMIN D and why is important to have the correct intake

Vitamin D helps the absorption of calcium to maintain bones density giving thems strength and hardness.

 Without supplements or enough sunlight especially between October to April could be hard to get enough of this Vitamin

So here is a list of food you can find in any groceries and contains a high amount of vitamin D:

  • Grilled herring 1 portion of 120gr contains 19.2 mg of vitamin D

  • Pink Salmon 1 drained portion of 100gr contains 13.6 mg of vitamin D

  • Grilled Kipper 1 portion of  130 gr contains 13.1 mg of vitamin D

  • Mackerel 1 portion of 150gr contains 12.3 mg of vitamin D

  • 2 Scrambled or boiled Eggs contains 3.3 mg of vitamin D

As you can see fish is rich in this Vitamin but consider that nowadays is easy to find fortified foods that are not supposed to have any vitamin but has been added, which is completely fine
you can check this kind of products on my previous article or just checking on the label.


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