Nutritional advice on how to improve triglycerides and practical tips for your lifestyle


First of all, what are the triglycerides ?

- They are the most common fats in our body.

- They are not just introduced by fatty food as you can imagine but also from:

- Extra calories even if they are from carbohydrates like sugar or alcohol for example (because they will be converted and stored in fat cells).

What's the difference with cholesterol?

- Cholesterol can be used to build cell and hormones

- Triglycerides instead are stored in cells, so they are both lipids but with different functions.

Why is important to keep this under control?

- To avoid risks of heart diseases is the main reason, especially stroke

- To avoid the risk of the metabolic syndrome 

The diagnosis:

Usually when the levels are above 150 mg/dl they are considered high.

It means that improvements are necessary in the lifestyle, so let's discuss them now in this post.

"Grocery list" here some of the best ingredients to use in your daily intake to improve the triglycerides:

- No added sugar beans

- Organic nuts (not salted)

- Seeds

- Quinoa 

- Barley 

- Oily fish instead of red meat like: Sardines, tuna, salmon

- Legumes

- Nuts, olive oil, avocado, chicken without the skin

- Introduce more soy based products in your diet, thanks to the good amount of isoflavones, they help to  reduce both cholesterol and triglycerides. 

Practical advice:

- When trying to reduce the triglycerides, something people don't think is sugar

The reason is that excessive sugary food if not burnt will be converted and stored in fat, therefore is important to avoid any extra on this side, this includes fructose as well that is contained more in some fruits.

- To be careful on hidden sugars and fats when doing groceries by checking the labels and the ingredients on it to avoid surprises.

- Drinks: cut down on alcohol and sugary drinks since they are both stored in fat as well.

- Increase your daily physical activity especially if you need to loose weight.

- 5-10% weight loss if you are overweight can massively improve the triglycerides.

- Trans fat are added in processed food to preserve them longer but they are one of the first thing to avoid to improve your levels.

- Try to have regular meals to prevent constant snacking to prevent insulin resistance which is another factor of fat stored in cells. 

-  Avoid or reduce sauces since they are high in oil or sugars or both. 


This plant and especially its seeds seem to have a benefit on controlling the triglycerides.

Is rich in fibres and minerals, easy to use and safe supplement has some benefits like:

- Improving cholesterol and triglycerides 

- Better control over the sugar levels

- Improves digestion 

Finally here some more links related to the topic in case you are interested:

Quick Snack alternative: Seaweed, why to choose it and nutritional values

Comparison between different oils and what to look on the labels and ingredients, including butter, margarine, spray oil and vegetable oils 

Are Seeds helpful with weight loss ? Comparison between Flax Pumpkin and Chia and portion control

How to reduce Fructose in your daily intake if needed (due to intolerance or restrictions for instance) and fruit naturally high and low in fructose


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