Product Review: Alpro Barista Soya plant based milk

 Why this product review:

- The nutritional content are exceptional and we are going to discuss this in details below, this also means that you don't have to stick with this brand, if you find something with similar values on the label for the main nutritional values, then is totally fine to choose that, in some countries this brand may not be available so it's one more reason to check the labels to find something similar if interested, for example in the US this brand can be found under the name of "silk" milk which is owened by Danone and is the same one that sells Alpro in Europe 

- The Barista version in terms of taste and flavours is better than the regular soya drink, so a good way to improve the diet withouth having to compromise too much the enjoyment 

- The frequency: milk can be one ingredient used almost everyday for a lot of people so having an alternative with better nutritional values than cow's milk is a huge impact at the end of the month in term of the amount of sugar, fat and protein that you are getting differently, so here is a comparison between this plan-based option and traditional milk

Nutritional values:

Per 100 ml :

Energy: 177 kj = 42 kcal

Fat: 1.9 gr

of which Satures: 0.3 gr

Carbohydrates: 2.7 gr

of which Sugars: 2.5 gr

Fibre: 0.6 gr

Protein: 3.3 gr 

Salt: 0.1 gr

Vitamin B2: 0.2 Î¼g

Vitamin B12: 0.4 Î¼g

Vitamin D: 0.75 Î¼g

Calcium: 120 mg

Comparison with cow's milk:

- The calories in the semi skimmed or whole cow's milk can be 10-20 Kcal higher which is not too much but is the quality of there calories the real difference

- Saturated fats are 4 times lower compared to the semi skimmed and 8 times lower compared to whole milk where the amount can reach 2.4 gr per 100 (only 0.3gr in the soya milk)

- The amount of sugar is half compared to any other cow's milk and that's defitely something to consider if you want to cut down on this and you are using this ingredient daily

- The proteins in soya milk are high quality which means that they have all the essential amminoacids that can be found in animal products and this means that you are not going to miss some of the most important nutrient, this is not common for plant based product but soya is an exception

- Soya milk is considered a whole soy food and contains antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties


- Vitamins and minerals are similar in quantity becuase they have been added to the soya milk and there is nothing bad in that, in the end it means you are not going to have a deficit of these vitamins and minerals by switching to this plant based alternative

Here is a quick comparison with other type of milk and mostly a nutrtional value report in case you are interested to other type of milk:



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