Royal Jelly: How a Queen Bee is made, a perfect example of how important neutron can be and the nutritional comparison with honey

Let's start with a question:

How do you think a Queen Bee is made ?

Would you say she was born already like this or something else made her become the Queen ?

The answer is:

She was born exactly as the other bees, nothing different at all
But because of the a different diet, her whole structure would grow differently
and that's how she becomes a Queen with all the specific characteristics

To give more details, the Queen Bee is receiving  a different kind of nutrient compared to any other, which is Royal Jelly,  and this is one of the biggest example I came across on how much the diet could impact overall

Just to make one example:
The Queen Bee can live almost 5 years 
while the "regular bee" has a life cycle between 45 and 90 days, and all the credits goes to the different nutrients they have 

Now, as you have probably seen this product in your local supermarket, let's have a look to the nutrients and let's compare this to honey

Generic Honey

Nutritional value per 1 table spoon (around 20 gr per spoon)

Kcal: 64

Carbs: 16 gr

No fat at all
Protein near zero

Different Vitamins and Mineral depending on the type of honey, mostly Group B Vitamins

Royal Jelly

Nutritional value per 1 table spoon (around 7-10 gr per spoon)

Kcal: 20 to 26

Carbs: 5 to 6.5 gr

No fat at all
Protein near zero

Vitamin A, B, C, Calcium, Potassium, Phosphorus

Other Benefits from Royal Jelly:

Disclaimer: it will not turn you in a Queen Bee but there are still some good reasons to enjoy this!
We have already discussed about the nutritional benefits and here some more positive aspects:

  •  Reducing LDL cholesterol (1)

  • Anti inflammatory effects (1)

  • Good Source of antioxidants and Group B vitamins 




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