Low Mood, Depression, Anxiety and how to get some practical help (list of free services around the world with details)

In this last year we discussed a lot of alternatives to manage comfort eating and emotional eating related to stress and depression and how to be more mindful
 (links at the bottom if you want to have a look)

But what if it's not enough, as a Dietitian I can tell that sometimes is not about food.
Mental health and the mood are important to guarantee that you are able to have a good quality of life included following a healthy lifestyle.

But what if low mood, depression and anxiety are "devouring" you and need to constantly fight with all of this.

Sometimes food is not the solution, and focusing on what is creating all those emotions is not an easy process but something that could help permanently instead of a temporary fix like comfort eating.

So this time I am going to list you some professional support, free to use that could be used to avoid the long waiting from your local medical centre and to keep all your confidentiality, because sometimes the waiting could make things worse and prevention is essential to avoid the depression developing in self harming or suicidal ideation in some cases.

I don't work with these services, but I can tell from patients and colleagues experiences 
how much this helped in the long run.

Keep in mind that whatever is going on in your life you are not alone and having some professional support to discuss about anything sometime makes the difference, especially if you want to give a chance since it's free to use so you don't have to continue if you don't find it useful

I am going to update this page regularly and trying to include more information and free services in different countries.

If you would like to help and you know about any other service that could be useful, feel free to message me using the box on the left and I will update the list:

Since the pandemic, many services started to support remotely/online so the following list is by country but keep in mind that you can always ask an online support instead of the face to face and ask counselling in different languages if needed 

Services in English: (different areas)

  • 7cup
Available remotely and worldwide with a free service option if you don't need a prolonged support 

  • CIMHS 
This is the only one in the list that offers an interactive guided self-help without any human interaction in case you prefer this alternative, again it's free to use and accessible worldwide 

  • IAPT - Improving Access to Psychological Therapies
Accessible in the UK: You can get free therapy though the NHS with a self-referral system without having to wait or ask your Doctor 
Here the link with the guide by the NHS:

  • BAATN - The Black African and Asian therapy Network
In the last few months this service started to offer free counselling for low income members of minorities across the whole UK

Here the homepage with all the details depending on you area:

Services in Italian :
Article translated in Italian available/ Articolo disponibile anche in Italiano 

  • Psicologi Italiani
Free and remote service, you can access just by calling the number and you can do this even from abroad if you wish to have counselling in Italian, as far you can call in Italy

Here the link with more details and phone number:

Consulenza gratuita per telefono, disponibile anche dall'estero, dettagli nel link sopra indicato 

  • Psicologi in ascolto
Another remote service but gives a chance for face to face appointment as well if you wish 

Servizio disponibile via chiamate o anche appuntamenti  faccia a faccia 

  • Psiche help
This one is totally remote, but the interesting thing is that you can contact by Whatsapp as well so could be easy if you leave abroad but still want a support in Italian 

Servizio svolto completamente online anche tramite whatsapp quindi più facile se all'estero 

Service in Spanish :
 asesoramiento psicologico

  • Ifeel app 

4 free counselling offered through the app so accessible worldwide
since the last few months offers a specific service about the side effects of lockdown and coronavirus in case you need 

ifeel app

Service in Russian and Kazakh :

Позвонив по номеру 150, Вы можете получить психологическую поддержку. 
Это телефон доверия города Алматы, который доступен 24/7, абсолютно бесплатно 

На сайте есть каталог врачей, вы можете записаться на приём к психотерапевту.

Thanks to Dr Carlygash Sarniyazova for translating and recommending this service:

  • Mental Center

Extra resources for comfort eating and to be more mindful
(if you think that you don't need any counseling support)


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