Protein alternatives or simply having more choices: Tofu, Quorn, Oncom

Let's start by saying that is not always to be just
black OR white

In this case is not about switching completely to these options instead of your favourite protein intake

It's more about having varieties and alternatives during the month and sometimes trying new things that you don't know yet if you will love it or hate it, but let's give a chance at least!

So here some alternatives with detailed nutritional values per 100 gr :


What is it ?

Similar procedure as cheesemaking it's made from condensed soy milk, also called bean curd.

Nutritional Value:

Calories  76 

Protein  8 gr

Carbs 2 gr

Fat  5 gr

Where to find it and How to use it?

This product now it's very famous and easy to find in any groceries
There are different types:

- Silken:
perfect to be blended like in smoothies or in recipes instead of eggs, so even scrambled on your toast

- Firm:
 more as a meat substitute, has to be seasoned and usually fried, and used like in a pad Thai

- Marinated:
 so it means has been already flavoured

Quorn (mince)

What is it ?

Micro-protein made from fungus, can be mixed with Proteins from potatoes in the vegan version or with egg's albums in the vegetarian option

Nutritional Value:

Calories 94  

Protein 14  gr

Carbs  4 gr

Fat  2 gr

Where to find it and How to use it?

Mostly available in Europe, in the last few years is expanding to more countries  (Australia, New Zealand, Philippines, Singapore, Belgium, Denmark, Ireland, UK, Italy, Germany, USA, Norway, Switzerland, Sweden, Finland, Netherlands)

There are different products from this brand as meat replacement so the way of serving it is very similar, from mince to the burgers to the sausages alternatives


What is it ?

Fermented Indonesia food usually made from Soybeans, there are two varieties
Black or Red Oncom, the second one is the most recommended because of the health benefits, reducing the cholesterol and LDL levels

Nutritional Value:

Calories  170

Protein 13 gr

Carbs 20 gr

Fat  6 gr

Where to find it and How to use it?

You can find this in some south East Asian shop, not very famous but usually a low cost product.

There are various ways and you can find plenty of easy recipes online, but the recommend way is roasted or just seasoned and cooked with rice or in a banana leaf



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