Alternative Number 2: why to choose the Low Fat Hummus/Houmous and nutritional value

Getting bored of the same low-calorie snacks or meal every day could be the major obstacle for the long term success in your lifestyle changes, so time to time I will provide you alternatives to have more varieties in your diet.

This is the second alternative after the Belvita Biscuits here is the link for the article in case you missed:

Now as a second alternative I would like to recommend low-fat Hummus/Houmus (a chickpea-based dip) that can be used as a snack or even as a quick meal for Lunch or Dinner. 

Why Low-fat Houmous?
Is high in fibre and protein, low in carbs and fat, plus is quick and easy to use with many options, the amount of fibre and protein helps you to fill full even with a small portion.

Let's discuss PORTIONS, CALORIES and WHICH Houmous to choose.


- As a Snack 50gr should be enough and you can easily measure that with the package that is usually around 200 gr (so one-quarter of the pot) 

- If you are in a rush or just want something quick for Lunch or Dinner, 100 gr could be fulfilling for the next 3/4 hours until the next meal

- If you want to make things more simple or you bought a big quantity, 2 full tablespoons are around 50 gr that means 4 full tablespoons should be around 100 gr.


There are many brands and varieties in the groceries, to choose something that is not expansive and that  can satisfy our taste we can apply a simple rule:

Two full Tablespoons or 50 grams should be under 100 calories, in this way have more choices on the brand that or flavour that you prefer.

100 grams or four Tablespoons should be under 200 calories, usually, with less than 10 grams of fat and less than 1 gram of sugar, the carbs intake could even over 10 grams but half of that are fibres. 


The traditional version is made with: chickpeas, olive oil, lemon juice, tahini and garlic so as a first step try to avoid brands that are using an endless range of other ingredients (easy to check on the label because if they are more than 5 ingredients that could already too much)

- Tesco reduced fat Houmus: 
200 grams per pot which are four servings as a snack or two servings as a meal
84 Kcal per serving (50 grams) 
0.3 grams of sugars 
4.6 grams of fat
Price: 1.2£ or two for 

- Sainsbury's Houmous be good to yourself:
200 grams, 180 kcal per 100 gr and 90kcal per serving (50 gr)
5.2 gr of fat and less than 0.5gr of sugars 
Price: 1.3£ per pot 

- As previously explained you can check other brands and flavours as far as the calories and fats are similar to the one listed above

In the next post, I will discuss some recipes to make your own hummus. 

Pic via Pixabay


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