Gut Microbiota how important it is and how to "reset" it, keep it healthy and functional

Gut Microbiota how important it is and how to "reset" it, keep it healthy and functional Intro: To understand how important the microbiota is, we are talking about trillions of bacteria able to produce hormones and regulate different functions in our body We need to consider that in these trillions they are not all the same bacteria and to make it simple a good functional microbiota should have over the 75% of "good" bacteria against any other type to make sure the ratio to be beneficial for us Imbalance occurs when the good bacteria have a percentage decreasing with time compared to the overall amount bacteria, harmful one included, so the ratio needs to be balanced once again to benefit from it Some symptos and complications related to an unbalanced ratio are: - Upset stomach: gas, heartburn or bloating are more common - Constipation/ Diarrhoea - Unintentional weight change - IBD (irritable bowel disease) - IBS (irritable bo...